dinsdag 1 oktober

Piripkura, The Last Two Survivors


Start: 20.00 hrs
i.s.m. Studium Generale WUR

Stunning documentary about the last two surviving members of the Piripkura people in Brazil, who fight to preserve their way of life amid relentless deforestation. Free entrance for WUR-cardholders.

Normaal 9,50
Student / CJP 7,50
10-zittenkaart 0,00
Cineville 0,00
Artikelnummer: N/B Categorie:

Bruno Jorge, Mariana Oliva and Renata Terra – Brazil 2017 – 81 minutes – spoken language: Portugese, with English subtitles.

In the heart of Brazil’s Mato Grosso region, the last two surviving members of the Piripkura people fight to preserve their way of life amid relentless deforestation. As the world around them changes at a devastating pace, they struggle to preserve their way of life, standing as living symbols of resistance against the relentless march of industrialization.

Join us for a powerful exploration of their struggle through the lens of documentary cinema. Piripikura captures the poignant reality of a culture on the brink of extinction, challenging us to reflect on the consequences of industrialization and the urgent need to protect the world’s remaining Indigenous communities. Join us for an evening that will challenge your perceptions of progress and provoke a deeper understanding of what it means to protect not just a culture, but the very essence of humanity in the face of overwhelming odds.

This screening is part of the Studium Generale program The Talk Show at the End of the World. Free entrance for WUR-card holders. WUR-card holders can reserve under ’10-zittenkaart’.